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Find Your Joy.

Nature Joys is an Eco-Friendly, 100% battery-powered robotic lawn service company with a purpose to give back and help the environment one lawn at a time. We provide the robot that provides a lawn that is always barefoot ready. We believe in play everyday and a work life balance, so go find your JOY! 

We believe your time is valuable and better spent pursing your joys and happiness than one of the most dreaded household tasks. 

Nature Joys provides environmentally-friendly, robotic lawn service while greatly reducing emissions and environmental impact by using 100% low noise battery powered robotic lawn equipment.  Zero emissions, no noise, no air pollution and the benefit of a healthy, barefoot ready lawn. 

Together, we offer joy and freedom to homeowners while reducing carbon emissions.


Our competitive advantage is an eco-friendly lawn service that is affordable to every homeowner.

Our Joy-Bots are handled by expertly trained service techs - we call them JoyTechs - who share our passion for technology, clean environments and solving a real-world, homeowner need. 


Joy Techs visit customer locations regularly to check the robot and complete trimming and cleanup services. Nature Joys also works directly with local lawn service companies who who believe in environmental mowing technology and who are also looking for more reliable labor, overhead reduction and overall performance associated with traditional lawn service companies.

Our Purpose.

So many jobs have not changed for hundreds of years. Artificial intelligence and robots are automating all types of work, and robots are cool. At Nature Joys we are starting with the lawn robot.

At Nature Joys we believe in finding your Joy! We believe in play everyday and a work life balance. Filling your life with empathy, compassion and a commitment to always being grateful. Let the robot do the work and go find your Joy!


We think that nature is good for the mind, body, and soul and it is our responsibility to start with the little things that can be a positive change. Our focus is on environmentally friendly battery powered, solar charged equipment resulting in less NOISE and AIR POLLUTION!


We believe that purpose is key and giving back is essential. We believe in 1% to help environmental nonprofits.

Our Promise.

Nature Joys promises to protect and preserve the environment.

Now with advanced technology, you can say GOODBYE to the old ways. Utilizing robotic technology and artificial intelligence it is revolutionizing the way some jobs get done.

For us, you’re not a customer, you’re a part of the Nature Joys family. You will always receive personalized customer service, because we firmly believe in our intimate Service Program.

Nature Joys true promise starts with helping the environment, freeing up your time to find your JOY, and finishes giving you a WOW customer experience.

Origin Story

A lifelong entrepreneur working in the family business starting at age 13, Peter Guildner attributes a relentless work ethic and ability to translate products and services into exceptional customer experiences.


After graduating college, growing and selling his family business, he  started a coffee company in 2001 called Cool Beans and pioneered early adoption and distribution of the Keurig/ Green Mountain coffee system. Peter grew the Cool Bean brand by building a production facility, leading local distribution and launching online with e-commerce.

Peter sold the Cool Beans coffee brand to Crystal Rock - a regional water and coffee supplier in 2006, where he built the coffee portfolio for Crystal Rock for over 8 years.  Eventually, he would move onto developing sales for W.B. Mason office products - a leading national provider of office products - with  over $2-billion dollars in annual sales revenue.







As a husband and a father of two boys, Peter left corporate to focus on his real passion: being an entrepreneur and developing a business from the ground up.  Wanting to teach his sons how to grow a business and create something from scratch, he focused on bringing backyard enthusiasm, family fun and safety, environmental impact and new technology to innovate what has long been a mundane and thankless task - mowing the lawn.   

Image by Nick Fewings

"I was looking for a business using technology to disrupt the status quo and offer a positive environmental impact. I'm truly inspired and love the outdoors. So Nature Joys begins...."

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